How to get 9999 coins in Mario Odyssey?
I'm playing Mario Odyssey and I really want to get 9999 coins. I've been trying for a while but can't seem to figure out how. Is there a specific trick or strategy I can use to quickly earn that amount of coins?

Is there a reward for 100% Mario Odyssey?
I'm wondering if there's any special reward or bonus in the game Super Mario Odyssey for collecting all the moons and achieving 100% completion.

How do you get 9999 coins in Mario Odyssey?
I'm playing Mario Odyssey and I really want to get 9999 coins. I've been trying for a while but can't seem to find a good way to do it. Is there a specific level or trick that I can use to quickly get a lot of coins?

Is there a coin glitch in Mario Odyssey?
I've been playing Mario Odyssey and I've heard rumors about a coin glitch. I'm wondering if there's actually a glitch in the game that allows players to get more coins than they should.

What are coins for Mario Odyssey?
I'm playing Mario Odyssey and I've been collecting a lot of coins. I'm wondering, what are these coins actually for in the game? Can I use them to buy things or do they have some other purpose?